C.V Help Desk

Writing a professional CV is important. This service is designed to help those people who are finding it difficult to write their CV. This help desk will give you some tips and rules that you should follow in order to give yourself the best chance of getting an interview.

1. Don't make your CV too long or too short

When you are creating a CV, you must remember that the people reading your CV have had to read all of the other applications that other people have submitted. This means that if your CV is too long then the person reading it will become disinterested over time and eventually become bored....Boring your potential employer the first time he reads your name is not the best idea... Similarly having a CV that is too short gives the employer the idea you don't care about your presentation or it will make him think you're simply not qualified or that employing you would be taking a risk... Keep the CV between 1 and a half and 2 pages long in order to provide enough information for the employer but not so much that they feel like they are reading a 3 part novel.

NOTE: The professionalism of your CV is not at all defined by the length of the application and you should be sure to add the relivent information...Just don't make it too long or too short...   

2. Keep the CV layout clear

You should keep your CV layout clear and obvious... When an employer is reading your application they should be able to easily find the various pieces of information that they require. Not only will this help the employer build up a good picture of the type of person you are, but it will show them that the work that you do is clearly presented and time has been spent to make it as easy to read as possible... This will also show your potential employer that you have pride in your work. 

3. Target your CV to a specific employer

When you are job surfing, it can help to change the CV for each application and add a personal part about the job that you are trying to get. Doing this will show the employer that you are targeting THEM and not just any work that will take you. If a bussiness thinks that they are not valued and that you don't care about who hires them then they are unlikely to consider you. 

4. Don't lie or make unrealistic claims

If you are planning using lies to get yourself a career then I would suggest that you don't. If you lie on your CV then you could be claiming that you can do something that you cant. Doing this can be dangerous because if you are claiming that you can preform first aid etc then you are asked to deal with a medical situation, you wont know what to do. Also don't make up unrealistic and untrue comments and claims about yourself, such as "the best worker in the world"...This just makes you sound cocky and overall harms/kills your overall professional appearance. 

5. Unprofessional Email Adress

When you are giving your information to your potential emploer, make sure that you don't do one of the most common mistakes that you can do while writing a CV...Dodgy Email Adresses! When an employer is considering you for their job opening, they will look at your information to contact you.... Please make sure that your email adress is professional and is relevant to anyone lookking at it... For example, if your name is John Smith then something like "[email protected]" Would be the most professional approach as it is simple but straight to the point... An adress like "[email protected]" instantly makes you look less professional. 

6. Don't use hard to read or complicated fonts

When you write your CV make sure that you use a font that is clear and easy to read. The worst thing that you could do is write an amazing CV with all the correct information etc and have an employer not be able to read it when they finally get it in their hands. This tip is similar to the "Clear presentation" tip and sould be considered when writing your CV... Don't use Kid-like fonts or any other fancy, unclear, fonts. Stick to common and easy to read fonts. 

7. Use professional, more advanced terminology

The way that your words come across in a CV is also important...If you use simple and general terminology, the employer is going to think you are unqualified. Make sure that when you are writing your CV that you use language that makes you stand out... This way the employer may think that you are more qualified and that you have a sufficent education to be working in the placement. 

8. Padding out your CV

When you are creating your CV, don't panic and add unimportant information to the document. This might seem like a good idea if you have a lack of information but doing this will only weaken your pursuasive argument and lower your chances of being employed. 

9. Show the impact you will have on the company

Make sure that you tell the employer the impacts that you could have on the business and how you could help to improve the overall working environment or you can tell the employer how you have improved various aspects of the work place in your previous jobs... Mention anything that you did for the company (for the good obviously)... Make sure that when youre talking about yourself, tell them why you would be good in the company... A CV  is like a persuasive piece of writing.

10. Dont be a cliches applicant 

When you are thinking of what to write, be sure to show your uniqueness...If you only have a load of cliches in your CV like "Hard-worker" or "polite and easy to get along with"... These things are expected by the employer and dont really need to be said.... You are expected to be polite to others, you are expected to work hard... Saying these things can make the employer suspicious and once again this could effect the chances.