
This is the "Job vacancies" Service tab... Young people can come here to see the job vacancies in dorset.



If you are the recruitment team/owner of a business you may apply to have your job oppurtunity posted on this page...

Please include the company name, hours, short description and any contanct information potential employees may need to submit their CV to the company or recruitment team.

Email: [email protected]

Please send an email to the contact above with the relevant information to get job openings posted....

NOTE: Reply within 2-3 working days

- E18 Team 



Company name: Actor.Example

Short description: Random text to help give the illusion that this description box actually has some kind of useful information in it. When this site is live these slides will be filled with job openings and descriptions...

Wage /hr: £7.00

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 012024723923



Company name: Game.Dev.Example

Short description:Random text to help give the illusion that this description box actually has some kind of useful information in it. When this site is live these slides will be filled with job openings and descriptions...

Wage /hr: £10.00

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01202478586


Company name:  McJob.Example

Short description: Random text to help give the illusion that this description box actually has some kind of useful information in it. When this site is live these slides will be filled with job openings and descriptions...

Wage /hr: £0.25

Email: [email protected]

Telephone:  01202448306